Most businesses would say yes to this question, but many are missing a golden opportunity to do so, if this applies to you, how would answer the next question?
Does your workforce recommend your other services or products when out on their daily jobs?
If they’re not, you’ll undoubtedly be missing some potential revenue generators. Your field service engineers are well-placed to be your sales ‘army’ given they have an advantage that the rest of your organisation misses out on: they are usually the most trusted person in the customer’s entire relationship with your company because they have that all-important face-to-face interaction.
With the right training and the proper tools, your workforce can support your sales team, customer service representatives, and marketing campaigns while contributing to your revenue.
Here are four simple ideas to get started.
Teach them that selling is everyone’s responsibility.
Many employees don’t make the connection between their role and the importance of sales. It’s your responsibility to help them connect the dots to understand how increasing sales will benefit everyone by creating security, stability, and opportunities. Celebrating the successes of non-sales staff who help generate more business will reinforce this into the culture of your company.
Train them how to spot sales opportunities.
Every member of your workforce should be on the look-out for sales opportunities. Make sure they’re familiar with all services and products so that they can prompt customers during conversation and make sound recommendations. Bring together teams from different departments to discuss company news, developments and ideas to provide your field service workforce with information that they can share with customers to glean valuable feedback.
Get your processes in places.
All too often information from one section of the company doesn’t flow to other areas so having a simple process for how your workforce shares customer and market feedback is vital. For example, if a customer makes a suggestion for a service improvement you need to make sure this information gets to the relevant team. Likewise, if a customer passes on praise you’ll want your sales and marketing team to hear about it. Your marketing team may have a subject for a testimonial or case study and your sales team may have a reason to ask for referrals.
Offer incentives.
By providing incentives that are measurable and achievable you can ensure that your workforce is motivated to contribute.
After all, your field service workforce engineers are the face of your company and with this responsibility resting on their shoulders it’s only fair to give them recognition for their valuable role in your business. Between managing customer expectations and undertaking complex installations and repairs, their jobs are probably a lot tougher than you may think!
However, with training and by using the right field service software you can ensure that your workforce can communicate efficiently with the relevant teams in your business for the benefit of all. And, if you’re after a specific function, we can build bespoke add-ons to suit your precise requirements.
Get in touch for a free demo and #WayTheForceBeWithYou!